网站公告: 聚利兴仪器所生产的试验仪器装置皆符合GB,IEC,UL等标准,试验精准,质量一流,是行业质检及技术研究部门的首选检测设备,详询:13751010017
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庆祝我司与Microlyt Solutions p.Ltd合作成功

文章作者:深圳市聚利兴仪器有限公司    时间:2015/5/29 10:35:30

3月12日,Microlyt Solutions p.Ltd从我司订购2.0 J Single Level Spring Impact Hammer * 1 set, Test Probe 11 with 75N Force Thrust * 1 set,可见公司对测试设备的重视度。

  • 2.0 J Single Level Spring Impact Hammer

IK01 IK02 IK03 IK04 IK05 IK06 IK07 IK08 IK09 IK10

0.14 J 0.2 J 0.35 J 0.5 J 0.7 J 1 J 2 J 5 J 10 J 20 J


(1) IEC60068-2-75 Spring Impact Hammer Test Apparatus is strictly designed according to

IEC60068-2-75,GB/2423.55-2006.GB4706.1 and GB8898 standard.

(2)After applying the impact with the hammer, the products is examined with accessibility

probes to determine access to chock, energy, and injury hazards. Built in exact accordanc

e to IEC/EN/UL/CSA and other standards.


Adjust the impact severity by rotating the knurled cap until the desired energy-value i

s displayed. Pull the knob slowly out of the device until it locks in place. If moved to

o fast, the clamp may skip its arrester and will lock at its way back when the pulling-f

orce declines. Hold the device horizontally at it’s housing tube and press the (black) r

elease cone to the specimens plane of impact.

The strike is automatically released when the release force threshold is reached

Universal (6 level): 0.14J, 0.20J, 0.35J, 0.50J, 0.70J, 1J adjustable

Impact energy error:

0.14J ± 0.014J

0.20J ± 0.020J

0.35J ± 0.03J

0.50J ± 0.04J

0.70J ± 0.05J

1.00J ± 0.05J

2.00J ± 0.10J

Technical parameters:

Length: 211mm

Weight: 1250g

Diameter: 50 mm

Hammer Weight: 60g

Hammer radius: 10mm

Shock components: including hit ball and hammer handles, weighs 250g, the h

ammer is made from white polyethylene imine first

The impact of the release of force: less than 10N

    • Test Probe 11 with 75N Force Thrust

    The Rigid Test Finger is a precision test probe made according to Figure 7 (Fig. 7) of the IEC

    61032 (Test probe 11) and is used to simulate a human finger. It is also used by the standards of CSA,

    IRAM, UL. IEC 60335, IRAM 4220-1 and in most of the rules involved in the verification of accessibility to

    live parts.

    The Rigid Test Finger was made on stainless steel and Polyamide handle.

    Purpose: This probe may be used to verify the protection of persons against access to hazardous parts

    and to verify the mechanical strength of openings in the enclosure or internal barriers.

    Handle: Polyamide.

    Finish: Chrome plating.

    According to: IEC 61032, IEC 60335-1, IEC 60529-2001, IRAM 4220-1, GB/T4208-2008 and UL etc.

    Thrust: 10N/20N/30N/40N/50N/60N/75N


联系人:李先生    手机:13751010017    QQ:320300123    旺旺:安规测试    Skype:carlisle.wyk
地址:深圳市宝安区西乡大道与宝安大道交汇处宝和大厦6F  -  
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