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NF C61-314法国插头插座量规一览表

文章作者:深圳市聚利兴仪器有限公司    时间:2015/5/30 18:56:17

1NFC613-14/C1Pour verifier l’impossibilite de l’introduction d’une seule broche des fiches
2NFC613-14/C2Pour verifier les dimensions des orifices d’entree des broches des fiches
3NFC613-14/C3A. B.CPour verifier la distance jusqu’an preminer point de contact
16A (5.45/5.6/5.75)
5NFC613-14/C4APour verifier la force minimale d’extraction
6A (3.94/150g)
7NFC613-14/C4B16A (3.8/400g)
16A (3.8/200g)
9NFC613-14/C4C16A (4.6/400g)
16A (4.6/200g)
11NFC613-14/C5Pour verifier l’introduction des fiches bipolaires 16A
13NFC613-14/C6Pour verifier l’ouverture maximale de l’alveole de la feuille de norme v
14NFC613-14/C7A. BPour verifier l’entraxe des broches 16A
1SE 110/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets SE 1 for size of entry holes for plug pins
2SE 210/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets and two-pole plugs with pin-type earthing-contact SE 2 for minimum opening of contact tubes
3SE 310/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets Gauge c3 for acceptance of two-pole plugs
4SE 410/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets with side earthing-contacts SE 4 for acceptance of two-pole plugs with side earthing contacts
5SE 6A.B10/16A 250V two-pole fixed socket-outlets SE 6 for fixing holes or slots
6SE 7A.B.C.D10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets Gauges c7 for distance to point of first contact
7SE 810/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets SE 8 for wiring channel
8SE 9A.B2.5A 250V and 10/16A250V two-pole plugs and 10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets with pin-type earthing-contact SE 9 for pin diameter
9SE 10A.B10/16A 250Vtwo-pole plugs SE 10 for pin spacing
10SE 1110/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets and two-pole plugs with pin-type earthing-contact SE 11 for maximum opening of contact tubes
11SE 1210/16A 250V two-pole plugs with side earthing-contacts SE 12 for interchangeability
12SE 132.5A 250V two-pole plugs for class ii appliances Gauge for interchangeability
13SE 1510/16A 250V two-pole plugs without earthing contact Gauge for non-interchangeability with two-pole plugs with earthing contact
14SE 1610/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets with side earthing-contacts Gauge for non-acceptance of two-pole plugs without earthing contact
15SE 1810/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets without earthing contact Gauge for checking impossibility of single-pole insertion of plugs
16SE 19A.B2.5A 250V and 10/16A 250V two-pole plugs Gauges for checking impossibility of single-pole insertion of plugs into socket-outlets
17SE 19a2.5A 250V and 10/16A 250V two-pole plugs Gauges for checking impossibility of single-pole insertion of plugs into socket-outlets
18SE 21Device for checking the resistance to lateral strain of 10/16A 250V two-pole fixed socket-outlets
19SE 23Device for measuring the contact pressure of earthing contacts of 10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets with side earthing-contacts
20SE 24Apparatus for breaking capacity and normal operation tests
21SE 25Circuit diagrams for breaking capacity and normal operation tests
22SE 26Apparatus for checking the withdrawal force
23IEC 60884-Fig9Gauge for checking non-accessibility of live parts, through shutters

IEC 60884-Fig10

Gauge for checking non-accessibility of live parts, through shutters and of live parts of socket-outlets with increased protection


联系人:李先生    手机:13751010017    QQ:320300123    旺旺:安规测试    Skype:carlisle.wyk
地址:深圳市宝安区西乡大道与宝安大道交汇处宝和大厦6F  -  
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